That’s right. Pictures are all over the net now showing Zachary Quinto as Spock in the new Star Trek XI movie. I have been posting as much information as possible regarding the new movie and I think this some great stuff.
Oh…and by the way…if you didn’t know…Zachary Quinto will be playing Spock. 🙂 You may be familiar with him as Sylar from Heroes.
He looks pretty good in his new robes. It will be interesting to see how well he can act the part.
There are a lot more images available from JFX Online.
JFX Online says about the photos:
The scene taking place appears to be a Vulcan Council meeting in which Spock seems to be on trial. You can see JJ Abrams in a few shots conferring with Quinto. Check out all the images below.
This is of course only their guess about what’s really happening. You’ll all have to stop by and take a look when you get a chance. Let me know what you think is going on in these scenes. Enjoy!