The Star Wars Holiday Special is considered to be the “Holy Grail” for Star Wars fans, but many of them admit it is hard to sit through. Who ever thought so many Wookie grunts and groans could be so painful? Being that it is now December, I felt it appropriate to bring this enjoyable piece…
Saturn Never Sounded So Good! Space’s Natural Music.
I know this may not be categorized as fiction, but it is science. I am a huge fan of astronomy. I took some astronomy / physics classes in College and found the topic to be very interesting. I love checking out NASA’s multimedia library and downloading images, backgrounds and movies from space probes, satellites and…
Billie Piper’s Back As Rose Tyler In Doctor Who!
Dr. Who has to be one of the most innovative Sci-Fi TV series on TV. For you Dr. Who fans you there, there is some great news! Billie Piper, who plays Rose Tyler, will be back for the fourth season of Doctor Who! This was just announced today on the BBC. Following a series of…
You Know You’ve Been Watching Too Much Battlestar Galactica When:
I just finished watching Battlestar Galactica: Razor and came up with a fun list of things that let you know when you have been watching too much Battlestar Galactica. Here’s my list. Enjoy! You know you’ve been watching too much Battlestar Galactica when: You find yourself yelling “frak” at every idiot while driving to work….
Logan’s Run – A Great Sci-Fi Movie – Remake Coming?
Logan’s Run, written by William F. Nolan, was turned into a motion picture back in 1976 and was directed by Michael Anderson. I stumbled upon this gem a few years ago while watching the Sci-Fi channel. I eventually ordered a copy of it online and it is now part of my sci-fi DVD library. …
Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles – Coming Soon!
I heard about Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles several months ago and completely forgot about it. Yesterday, while watching TV, I saw a trailer for the new TV series slated for January 14, 2008. Upon seeing the TV trailer I just about starting giggling like a little girl. I have loved the Terminator Movies since…
Riddick Revisited: The Chronicles of Riddick – Possible Sequel?
There are few movies that get my sci-fi blood pumping more than The Chronicles of Riddick and Pitch Black. Both of these movies have great plots, lots of great action and hold true to the way sci-fi should be. The entire universe of Riddick is rich and not only includes the two movies, but also…
Best Sci-Fi Video Game to Movie Adaptations
It’s seems like it is hard to do, and it rarely turns out well. The video games we love to play, for some reason, don’t seem to adapt well to movies. Movies, however, have been turned into some good video games. There are many examples of sci-fi video games that did not turn out well…
Here Comes Battlestar Galactica: Razor
The new version of Battlestar Galactica has to be one of the most innovative and exciting sci-fi shows I have seen on TV in years. I haven’t thoroughly enjoyed a sci-fi TV series like this since Star Trek The Next Generation. The stories are good, although they can be a bit soap opera-ish at times….
Zachary Quinto as Spock – Pictures Leaked – Star Trek XI
That’s right. Pictures are all over the net now showing Zachary Quinto as Spock in the new Star Trek XI movie. I have been posting as much information as possible regarding the new movie and I think this some great stuff. Oh…and by the way…if you didn’t know…Zachary Quinto will be playing Spock. 🙂 You…