It is possible, although unlikely, that you have heard of or seen the movie Earth Star Voyager. It is a movie released back in 1988 by Disney. It was a Disney Sunday Movie. Remember those? At that same time we also got the Disney classic Flight of the Navigator. I was only 12 at the…
Captain Pike Cast For Star Trek XI
This will be a short entry, but today a new character was cast for the new Star Trek XI movie. I have already talked about previous cast members in earlier posts, but apparently Captain Christopher Pike, a character from the original Star Trek Pilot and the Menagerie will be in the new Movie. He will…
Looking For Free Sci-Fi Movies?
Being a sci-fi fan, I can’t discount the importance the sometimes bad “B” movies from the 50’s and 60’s had in shaping the sci-fi we have today. Although many of these movies are obviously low budget, some of them are still pretty fun to watch. You can actually find a lot of these movies in…
High Definition For Your Sci-Fi Movies?
This isn’t news to anyone in the know, but high definition TVs are flying off the shelves at record rates. As you unpackage your new LCD, plasma or projection high-def television, you’re probably thinking of all the new things you can do with it. You probably want to get the most out of your new…
Getting The Most From Your Sci-Fi Movie
If you’re like me, you probably have wide collection of Sci-Fi DVD movies that are sitting around and collecting dust. You may have watched them once and set them to the side. I even have some movies I purchased, intending to watch them, that are still sitting around in shrink wrap. There are a few…
X-Files 2 Starts Filming Soon
That’s right! If you were like me during the 90’s, there is a good chance you were a fan of the TV series X-files. There has been talk about a sequel to the 1998 hit X-files movie for years now, but it sounds like it may actually be coming to a reality soon! According to…
Attack Of The Pumpkins Part Deux – Star Wars Style
It is Halloween night and I figure this is the last chance I can get away with posting some cool pumpkins I have come across on the Internet. I have been handing out candy dressed up like the grim reaper. One of these years I will be a storm trooper. Perhaps I’ll go the cheaper…
Scariest Sci-Fi Movies
I was recently asked what the scariest movie of all time is. There are a lot of good movies out there that would probably belong in the “Scariest Move of All Time” category. I was just reading a “Time” magazine article about the top 25 horror movies of all time. Guess what they put at…
Halo Pumpkins! Master Chief’s Halloween
So Halloween is only four days away and I have a big huge pumpkin sitting on my counter still waiting to be carved. I’ve always created the usual pumpkin with triangle eyes and jagged teeth. It usually ends up looking like an elementary school project. I thought this year it would be fun to create…
What Is The Funniest Sci-Fi Movie?
I have had many friends ask me which movie I think is the funniest of all time. This discussion can include a wide array of movies from old B&W “B” movies to sci-fi classics such as Mel Brooks’ famous Space Balls and the sci-fi classic movie Men in Black featuring Will Smith. I personally would…