We have been blessed with two new episodes of Battlestar Galactica, but is anyone really that excited? After watching the first two, I ended up deleting them rather than keeping them on my DVR like I usually do. Perhaps it’s just me, but this season seems to be more a soap opera than I remember….
Tag: Sci Fi News
Jericho Canceled! Second Life On Cable?
It’s like a knife being driven through my heart! I just found out that Jericho has been canceled and will not be brought back to CBS for a third season. It is almost as bad as when FireFly was canceled, but not quite. Although there aren’t laser beams or spaceships, I consider anything post-apocalyptic to…
One Great SciFi Music Video – Muse: Sing For Absolution
Even though I am a Yank, I have always been a big fan of the British music scene. My all-time favorite rock band is Depeche Mode. I’m also a big fan of Europop music. About a year ago I was listening to a song on the radio that I decided I had to buy. I…
James Horner – Krull Best SciFi Soundtrack Ever Composed
SciFi not only spawns great books, movies, video games and TV, but it also produces some great music. I enjoy sitting down and listening to The Matrix while relaxing or popping in some John Williams “Star Wars” while driving down the road. I have often thought to myself who some of the best composers would…
Blade Runner Now In HD – Today!
It’s dark, a little dreary and one of the most enjoyable Sci-Fi movies made in the 80’s. Blade Runner was released today in all its glory in high definition on Blue Ray and HD DVD. You can pick up a couple different versions of this movie today. You can choose from the five-disk Complete Collector’s…
Captain Pike Cast For Star Trek XI
This will be a short entry, but today a new character was cast for the new Star Trek XI movie. I have already talked about previous cast members in earlier posts, but apparently Captain Christopher Pike, a character from the original Star Trek Pilot and the Menagerie will be in the new Movie. He will…
High Definition For Your Sci-Fi Movies?
This isn’t news to anyone in the know, but high definition TVs are flying off the shelves at record rates. As you unpackage your new LCD, plasma or projection high-def television, you’re probably thinking of all the new things you can do with it. You probably want to get the most out of your new…
Getting The Most From Your Sci-Fi Movie
If you’re like me, you probably have wide collection of Sci-Fi DVD movies that are sitting around and collecting dust. You may have watched them once and set them to the side. I even have some movies I purchased, intending to watch them, that are still sitting around in shrink wrap. There are a few…
Scariest Sci-Fi Movies
I was recently asked what the scariest movie of all time is. There are a lot of good movies out there that would probably belong in the “Scariest Move of All Time” category. I was just reading a “Time” magazine article about the top 25 horror movies of all time. Guess what they put at…
New Futurama Movie!!! Bender’s Big Score
I don’t know how many of you sci-fi gurus out there are fans of Futurama, but I love it! I own all four seasons and have loved it since the beginning. Who else could make the future look so fun! I was browsing around the net today and discovered that there is a new Futurama…